What’s wrong with my Python Environment in Linux, MacOS, Windows?
No problem, everything is fine…….As long as it is working…

The four levels of Python Development Environment:
I. Interpreters → II. Tools → III. Dependencies → IV. Application
To ensure your application can run properly, there is four layers of environments (I. Interpreter → II. Tools → III. Dependencies → IV. Application). It’s like a maze. To solve a maze, it’s easier to walk from the exit. The layer above your application is the dependencies. So we start from there, III Dependencies.
III. Dependencies
$ python3 -m venv --prompt="project" .venv$ . .venv/bin/activate(project) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
You often hear people do bin activate
with virtualenv / venv. What is bin activate
actually doing? It adds path to your environment. If you have multiple environment, you might be adding wrong paths. And, it’s not easy to return to a clean environment again. (For more details, See link: https://gist.github.com/datagrok/2199506).

pipenv is a better way to manage venv. It combines pip and venv. It provides the flexibility of abstract environment dependency, and the certainty of concrete dependency.
requirements.lib ( convert pipfile → requirements.txt)
II. Tools
How to install pipenv? Should I use a virtual environment to install a tool for virtual environment? See video( first chicken or first egg?).
TL;DR. You don’t need to activate venv to run programs installed by venv.
$ mkdir -p ~/.local/bin ~/.local/venvs$ python3 -m venv ~/.local/venvs/packagemanagers$ ~/.local/venvs/packagemanagers/bin/pip install pipenv poetry$ln -s ~/.local/venvs/packagemanagers/bin/pipenv ~/.local/bin$ln -s ~/.local/venvs/packagemanagers/bin/poetry ~/.local/bin$pipenv --version pipenv, version 11.10.3
Rule of Thumb:
- Do not use
. Ever. - Always use a virtual environment.
- Use when
pip install --user
when desperate
I. Interpreters
How do I install python?
Linux machine:
- Ubuntu: use “deadsnakes” PPA
- Compile your own python
- Be careful with the package manager
- Do not use System Python
- Do not use Homebrew Python
- You could do it manually. Compile your own python
- Or, download from (Python.org)
tar xvz python.tar.gz...
- Instead, pyenv has a very nice plugin called python-build. Use that.
$ python-build 3.10.1 ~/.local/pythons/3.10$ ln -s ~/.local/bin/pythons/3.10/python3.10 ~/.local/bin$ ln -s ~/.local/bin/python3.10 ~/.local/bin/python3
Then, disable the command $ python
without a specified version:
# Disable python if no version specified. To avoid using system python.python(){
local PYTHON="$(which python)"
if [[ "$PYTHON" == /usr/* ]]; then
echo "nope! please specifiy python version." >&2 | echo > /dev/null
"$PYTHON" "$@"
}# Do the same for pippip(){
local PIP="$(which pip)"
if [[ "$PIP" == /usr/* ]]; then
echo "nope! please specifiy pip version." >&2 | echo > /dev/null
"$PIP" "$@"
A nice tool wrapped all the above mention aspects into 3 lines listed below. Check it out: https://github.com/uranusjr/pythonup-macos
pythonup install 3.6
pythonup upgrade 3.6
pythonup use 3.6 # ln -s python3.6 to python3
- No global Python to worry about
- No support from pyenv
- Compiling/building is drastically more difficult
- However you can use the prebuilt version:
- Go to python.org and download python of the version you like.
- Install by clicking.
Or, download and use pythonoup: https://github.com/uranusjr/pythonup-windows
pythonup install 3.6
pythonup upgrade 3.6
pythonup use 3.6 # ln -s python3.6 to python3
- Always compile your own python (if possible)
- Always use virtual environments. Link them to PATH if needed.
- Pipfile and Pipenv (??)
Here, we didn’t discuss building of packages and delivering its proper environments. We will discuss that next time.
What about conda environment?
- It takes into account other programs outside of python. Does not use PyPI, but use it’s own distribution of all python packages. The version may be delaed than on PyPI.
- Anaconda, Inc. is a company. We aim to support community-build & community-driven projects as a open-source developer.
This medium post is based on a brilliant talk at PyCon TW 2018 from TP Chung. (See Reference 1.)
- PyCon TW 2018, Tzu-ping Chung, 這樣的開發環境沒有問題嗎?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Nl0IYkU0hU
- https://gist.github.com/datagrok/2199506