LITING CHENWhat’s wrong with my Python Environment in Linux, MacOS, Windows?No problem, everything is fine…….As long as it is working…Sep 7, 2022Sep 7, 2022
LITING CHEN在荷蘭遺失居留證或駕照 2022版人在江湖總是有掉東西的一天。如果重要證件掉了怎麼辦?首先,不要緊張。在這裡分享經驗,供參考。分三部分:Dec 8, 20211Dec 8, 20211
LITING CHENMaking my own native Mac OSX app without knowing Swiftfrom python cli tool to MacOS app in 10 minutesJan 26, 2021Jan 26, 2021
LITING CHENHow to use conda-pack to relocate your condo environment?tags: conda-pack, conda-unpack, conda export, conda clone, condaApr 18, 20203Apr 18, 20203